Thursday 8 December 2016

Huang Xiaoming clears schedule to be with Angelababy

The due date for Angelababy's bun in the oven is looming ever closer, with the actress believed to be in her final trimester of pregnancy.

Ahead of delivering her baby, media outlets have reported that she is planning to deliver her first child in Taiwan. These rumours surfaced after she and husband Huang Xiaoming were spotted in Taiwan, where they are said to have visited a hospital with their three assistants.

After the rumours surfaced, Xiaoming's personal workshop updated their Weibo account with, "Thanks for everyone's concern! Thanks to our boss and his missus (Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy), we got to have this experience! Our staff welfare is really great."

Angelababy was reported to have left Taiwan for Hong Kong in order to get an examination done. This has some people believing that she will have her baby in Hong Kong instead.

The svelte star has only put on five kilograms after getting pregnant, with her figure looking as good as ever.

Xiaoming, who has always known to dote on his wife, has declined a number of projects that require him to leave Asia for extended periods of time. He has done so in order to be next to Angelababy throughout her pregnancy and after she delivers. When asked about whether he will regret turning down opportunities to further his career, the committed husband only said, "I'll blame myself for the rest of my life (if I'm not by her side)".