Tuesday 30 December 2014

G.E.M. raises ire for repeated lateness

G.E.M. Tang shot to fame after participating in reality series I Am A Singer 2 but has been plagued with rumours of alleged diva behaviour.

The singer performed in Macau on December 26 and was scheduled to take a helicopter to Hong Kong for the annual Metro Radio Hits Music Awards immediately afterwards. There was a hiccup in the carefully orchestrated plan due to bad weather and she had to take a ferry instead. This reportedly caused her to take six hours to reach the awards ceremony.

According to reports, numerous singers were waiting for her arrival to perform an a cappella number, causing dissatisfaction to brew among the performers and audience alike. Audience numbers were said to have dwindled to a mere 30% by the time she took the stage to perform and receive her four trophies. Among her accolades was the highly regarded Singer of the Year Award.

The ceremony eventually wrapped at 12.30am, about an hour behind schedule. Singers and members of the media then headed for the celebratory feast that was scheduled to start at 1am but G.E.M. arrived 45 minutes late. The guest list included big names such as Andy Hui and Kay Tse.

She apologised profusely when she arrived, “I didn’t know, once (the awards ceremony) ended I went to touch up my makeup, pack up my things and came straight for the celebrations. I’m sorry, I don’t know how to make it up (to everyone, but) I made 260 cookies that I hope everyone will like.”

Netizens, however, had a different story to tell. They discovered that she uploaded a photo of her with her trophies backstage with a timestamp that correlated to the celebratory dinner’s start time. Fans also uploaded photos taken with her that were taken during that timeframe, raising suspicions that her statement was not wholly true.