Monday 22 December 2014

Kai Ko to attend first public event since scandal

Kai Ko has laid low since courts confirmed that his prosecution will be delayed for two years for his marijuana-related offences. He previously stated that he does not intend to make any drama appearances anytime soon, after reports stated that his scenes from Chinese movie Tiny Times 4 will be cut.

The 23-year-old will be making his first appearance at a public event on Dec 21 at a charity event. He is said to not be receiving any payment for his attendance at the event organised by the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families.

His manager expressed, “We’ve been receiving many invitations lately but he wants to focus on his academics so he has not accepted any commercial, drama nor movie offers. However, we hope that we can rally the public to help the disadvantaged while he still has some sort of influence.”

Prior to the scandal, he was understood have a full dance card while he entertained friends, family and colleagues as his popularity rose by the day.

His manager continued that ever since the marijuana incident, he has been “searching for the kind of person he should be at his age and becoming a 23-year-old all over again”.