Monday 3 November 2014

Liddy Li: Knowing Oxide Pang was a nightmare

After their affair was exposed in May, Hong Kong movie director Oxide Pang, who is married to Malaysian actress Angelica Lee, and model Liddy Li have since gone separate ways.

Recently, Liddy revealed in a television programme that she regrets knowing Oxide and called it a nightmare. “Be it meeting the right or wrong people, it’s all destined and I am resigned to it.”

The 27-year-old feels the need to own up to one’s mistake and believes “time will tell what kind of person I am”. Although Liddy acknowledged that it is impossible for two women to share the same man, she added that matters of the heart are not within one’s control.

“This is not an excuse but the only thing I can do is to be clear of how I want to live my life from now.”
It is believed that Liddy’s parents divorced when she was at a tender age and she lacked a father figure in her life. As she was the oldest in the family and had to shoulder the burden of taking care of the house, she yearned for someone who is knowledgeable, caring and rational.

The incident has changed what she looks for in her partner and she will “keep a distance from married men to avoid entertaining undesirable thoughts”.