Friday 28 August 2015

Vivian Hsu clueless about her newborn's nails

Despite blitzing through 15 baby books while pregnant, Vivian Hsu has no idea how to trim her newborn’s fingernails, and turned to the Internet for help.

On Tuesday, she posted on Facebook: “Luckily I read 15 baby books while I was pregnant, so I know the basics.” she wrote. “Otherwise I’d be so flustered and frantic after giving birth.”

But the books she had crammed didn’t show her how to trim the baby’s fingernails, Taiwan media reports. Accompanying a photo of her baby’s hand was Vivian’s plea for help from other mothers: “Your long fingers and nails look so much like mummy’s, but about baby fingernails, when can they be trimmed? They’re so tiny and soft….”

One fan’s suggestion was to trim them only after a month and let the baby wear mitts in the meantime to protect his skin. “That makes sense!” Vivian replied.

Vivian, 40, is still in confinement in Singapore, having had her son, Dalton, on August 13 by c-section. The baby was born before his 33rd week, weighing only 2 kg. In recent days she has made jokes about living like a cow and sow, and mentioned losing 6 kg in the 10 days after childbirth.