Friday 17 February 2017

Chris Wu and Yao Yao stand up against sexual harassment

Chris Wu and Yao Yao appeared at a press conference arranged by The Garden of Hope Foundation to raise public awareness for sexual harassment, and a film they had made was shown at the event.

Chris confessed that when he was younger, he was ignorant and teased girls on the streets, but now he was playing the "victim" in the short film and found it hard to explain the content. He said it was easy for miscommunication to happen between people, and one must never assume that the other person shares their same desires.

Yao Yao said she studied a lot to prepare for the filming. She realised that sexual harassment often happens around us and humanity could be ugly. When asked if she has ever been sexually harassed, she joked that she has "by the media" because their headlines were often horrible and troubled her.