Friday 15 May 2015

The Royal 3 joins Singapore voluntary group, Project Awareness, for their social projects, fans full of praise for their kindness

Recently returned to Taiwan, Hayden Chen shares how he spend Mother's Day in Singapore, and praises his senior Elson Soh as a kindness singer! Together with Malaysian singer Daniel Chin and Project Awareness, a voluntary group founded by Elson Soh, they visited mothers from 20 groups of low income families, giving them handmade flowers and gifts specially prepared for them.

Royal Entertainment Managing Director, Jacky Goh, mentioned his own artistes are full of kindness, and were satisfied with their performance of the show and the merchant events in Singapore. Jacky Goh said that in addition to Mother's Day gifts, the three artistes from Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan, who named themselves as The Royal 3, invited 25 elderly to come and enjoy their Meet and Greet Session. Through their kindness, they gained support from many fans and media!   

Elson Soh smiled and said he will not be lonely anymore, as future social activities and events, both Daniel Chin and Hayden Chen will contribute together to help. The Royal 3 hope to bring the concept of Project Awareness and bring it to Malaysia and Taiwan, so as to promote kindness and volunteerism, which would allow fans to come together to help to do something for the less privileged.