Saturday 16 August 2014

Are Moses & Aimee Chan locked in a cold war?

Hong Kong actress Aimee Chan has been on maternity leave ever since giving birth to her first child, Aiden Joshua, eight months ago. Reports suggest that her prolonged absence is due to her husband, Moses Chan’s refusal to allow her back to work, which has in turn led to a cold war between the couple.

The 33-year-old shelved her career last year in efforts to prepare for the impending birth of her baby but expressed a keen interest in collaborating with a producer that she has worked with before for an upcoming drama.

This idea was reportedly shot down by Moses, who has declared his support for Aimee’s career publically numerous times. He is said to have the opinion that their eight-month-old son is still very in need of having his mother around and disapproves of her leaving their son at home for long periods of time while filming.
Recent rumours have added fuel to the fire, claiming that Aimee has declared her unwillingness to have a second child, which has raised Moses’ ire, who is said to be hoping to have another child within the next two years.

Aimee’s decision is supposedly because she feels that the education system is flawed and too stressful, but Moses’s persistent insistence at having another child is reportedly causing more problems between the two.
Despite reports that Moses has employed two helpers to lift Aimee’s burden of household chores, she is said to be inseparable from Aiden Joshua, whom never leaves her hands for long and is still being breast-fed. She has also allegedly suffering from fasciitis, the inflammation of the connective tissue surrounding muscles, blood vessels and nerves, for the past four months.

On top of that, she is said to already be mulling over which kindergarten to send their baby boy to, leading to more stress on the couple’s relationship.