Tuesday 8 December 2015

Barbie Hsu decorates Christmas tree with husband, daughter

Taiwanese actress and host Barbie Hsu, 39, posted on Weibo yesterday the first photo of herself since news of her second pregnancy was leaked early.

Barbie personally set up a Christmas tree for her daughter, 1-year-old Hsi Yueh, together with her husband, Chinese businessman Wang Xiaofei. But the ornaments and lights took two days to put up, causing her to lament on Weibo: “Decorating a Christmas tree wasn’t as easy as I had imagined, but to give [Hsi Yueh] happy memories of her childhood, I gave it all I got. Thank goodness Daddy was around to help.”

The unlikely focus of the family photo Barbie shared wasn’t the shapeless pyjamas she was wearing but her protruding, almost Habsburg-like jaw.

Even Barbie’s sister Dee Hsu, also an actress and host, jumped in to comment on it, saying, “Since young I’ve been frightened by my sister’s chin, it’s so sharp! But it’s still beautiful. But I’ve often scared her too, because I’ve also got a pointy chin.”