Thursday 8 December 2016

Jay Chou flares up during recording of Chinese variety show

Taiwanese singer Jay Chou is a regular guest star on Chinese variety show, The Brain, which showcases participants who are able to solve or complete extremely difficult IQ challenges.

A video of a particular recording session showed Jay Chou interrupting the host and saying, “This is ridiculous! The guest is speaking but you are playing my song in the background, do you have any manners?”

The 37-year-old, whom friends say rarely loses his temper, is said to be angry because he felt that the other guest was disrespected when his song was played while someone else was talking.

The music was stopped almost immediately and the singer repeated, “Ridiculous!” which caught the host off guard and filled the session with a few seconds of awkward silence, before Jay politely gestured at the guest to prompt him to continue talking.

A video of the singer’s gallant behaviour soon made its way on the internet and proud fans flurried to leave comments such as “He’s so well educated!” and “Too cool!”.

Other than regularly appearing on The Brain, Jay is also a singing coach on Chinese singing competition Sing! China. He will be returning as a coach for its second season alongside Hong Kong singer Eason Chan.