Tuesday 27 December 2016

Wu Bai tries flower arranging for the first time

Singer Wu Bai showed up at a radio show to promote his new Taiwanese album "Nail Flower".

He tried to learn the art of flower arrangement from the teacher but failed. He said, "It’s my first time trying flower arranging, and it’s awful. Let the professionals do it, and we’ll just buy the flowers." He admitted that he had never sent flowers to his family or ex-girlfriends, but he did to some singers during their concerts.

Talking about the decline of Taiwanese songs, he said, "Different languages have different styles. For me, Taiwanese is like a knife and Mandarin is like a hammer. Mandarin songs fit the ‘punk’ style and Taiwanese songs are more like the ‘rock’ style. The forces are different."

Recently, he had appeared in the new movie "The Miracle Fighters", but he said today, "I am a singer, not an actor, and I’m glad that I am a singer. Actors are great and can do many incredible things. It’s a tough job."