Thursday 2 October 2014

Mariah Carey is Probably the Best Ariana Grande Can Hope For

Ariana Grande, she of the persistent diva rumors and overrated teenybopper music really, really wants you to like her. She wants you to forget about those reports of some less than appropriate behavior, and she wants you to start realizing how gracious and humble she is. Can you dig it? Probably not. We sure can't, at any rate.

See, one of the rumors that have been going around about Ariana is that before interviews, her people allegedly let everyone know that she is under no circumstances to be asked anything about Mariah Carey. The two are frequently compared, and those reports would have you believe that Ariana isn't into it, that she wants everything to be all about her. Not the case, y'all:

"Mariah has been a huge influence on me since I was a little girl. I've even done a cover of one of her songs. I don't think there are any negatives to being compared to one of the greatest vocalists of all time. It's honestly a great honor."

And there you have it. Ariana is so thankful for every single thing, and of course she would not be rude or ungrateful for anything ever in her life. She loves being compared to Mariah Carey. Now please purchase her album and forget every one of those many, many bad words you've heard about her, and the idea that she's got two faces so different it'll make your head spin.