Thursday 9 October 2014

Today in "NO"

Don't get us wrong -- there's nothing particularly wrong with Nick Carter ... per se. That we'll go into in this particular post. But what there is something extremely, extraordinarily wrong is anyone, no matter who they are, what they look like, or what the occasion happens to be, wearing an article of non-clothing like the one Nick Carter is showing off in the above pic.

There's a li'l reality show that goes by the name of "I Heart Nick Carter," and on it, Nick thought it'd be cool to, you know, put on this striking blue thong and pair it with mid-rise white socks. To be fair, it was for a procedure that Nick was preparing to undergo; a procedure that would laser fat from his stomach area, because apparently good old healthy dieting, cardio, and sit-ups just won't cut it for Nick here.

Looking ... well, not great, Nick, but it's not because you've got excess fat to rid yourself of (you don't, let's be real) -- it's that ... that God-awful thong that we never want to ever see on any person in the whole entire world again, all right? Shudders.