Tuesday 14 October 2014

Shameful, Lena Dunham -- Shameful

Lena Dunham does so much good, she's typically so smart and eloquent and lovable, that it just makes sense that sometimes she'd be a little off. She can't be perfect all the time, you know? She has to be given a little leeway, what with being human and all. Sometimes, she's going to mess up.

And during a speech she gave recently on her book tour, she messed up hard:

"I don’t know if I'm the only one who’s been closely following Amanda Bynes’s tweets today. She’s clearly off her medication, the whole situation is really bad… But she did say something kind of similar [to Hannah, her character in "Girls"] which was, ‘I’m not crazy, I’m actually the one who knows everything that’s happening.’ I texted [Jenny Konner, producer and writer on "Girls"] and said, ‘Maybe I’m nuts, but I think Amanda Bynes is actually kind of a great writer. Do you know what I mean?’ She was like, ‘I don’t know what you mean!’"
Lena ... you can't say that. Amanda Bynes is not a great writer, she is seriously ill. She isn't similar to your character on your show, she is a real person going through some real problems, and that deserves some respect. Talking about her in this way just isn't respectful, and even though you obviously meant well, just stop, honey, all right? Don't get inspiration from Amanda Bynes' breakdown.