Monday 29 February 2016

Linda Chung fuels pregnancy speculations

Hong Kong actress Linda Chung stunned many with her surprise marriage announcement earlier this week. She will wed Jeremy, a chiropractor who is said to be the nephew of former Norman Leung, TVB’s Executive Chariman of the Board of Directors.

Previous speculation was that Linda was five months pregnant – a rumour she neither confirmed nor denied. The suspicion was further strengthened when it was made known that a request has been put in for her to cut down on her schedules with TVB, which she still has a contract under. The request, which included the words “there will be certain things she cannot do”, also asked for the company’s understanding.

Their wedding will not be covered by the media, with the company explaining that Jeremy is not from the entertainment industry and hence is not used to having that many cameras around, especially on his big day.

Good friend Leanne Li was spotted at the airport leaving for the wedding, which is set to take place in Vancouver. The Canadian-born actress shared that she will stay there for two weeks, taking the opportunity to visit her family back home.

When asked about Linda’s pregnancy, she brushed off questions by declaring, “You have to ask her about that!” and shared that she does not know when Linda will return to Hong Kong after the wedding. Explaining that she has never met Jeremy, she stated that she was unsure if the couple would hold a banquet in Hong Kong and that their wedding in Vancouver will be a small and intimate one.

Responding to an interview on her upcoming nuptials, Linda revealed that she got to know her husband-to-be through her sister and had their first date at a coffee shop. She accepted his proposal as he is someone who has a similar mindset and personality as she does.

“We love communicating about everything and we only have discussions and never arguments. He’s someone loyal and I believe that he is someone who will stand by me regardless of whatever happens in the future,” she continued.

She and her fiancé are said to be fans of children and have been open about their desire of expanding their family. She shared that the gender of their future children does not matter as long as they are healthy.