Wednesday 24 February 2016

Sulli′s Lovable White Day Spread Revealed

Sulli′s White Day spread is attracting attention.

Sulli is shown smiling brightly in a White Day jewelry spread for Elle′s March issue.With her doe eyes and clear skin, Sulli has transformed into a spring cupid for the spread. Her bright personality is accentuated by the crystal pieces, resulting in a dazzling spring spread.

Keeping with the White Day theme, Sulli matches pastel-toned pieces with various heart-shaped necklaces for a variety of lovely looks.

Despite shooting into the morning, Sulli remained bright and bubbly throughout the photo shoot, adding life to the clothing and jewelry pieces with her flawless facial expressions and poses.

Sulli′s White Day ′cupid′ spread can be found in the March issue of Elle and Swarovski′s Facebook page.