Tuesday 10 May 2016

Lala Hsu’s Concert in Hong Kong

With improved popularity after her appearance in the show "I Am a Singer 4", Lala Hsu held a concert at a full KITEC tonight. She chose to sing 2 Cantonese songs "Diva…Ah Hey" and "Happy New Year" because she liked the first song’s lyrics and the second’s invigorating feeling. However, while she emphasized too much on the pose to thrill the audience, her articulation was ignored. She sighed that it was indeed a great challenge to sing in a different language. She also mistook a sponsor’s sign with her name on it for a fan’s erroneous handwriting. When asked about the rumor of her elevated remuneration and fully-scheduled appearance invitation, Lala did not deny, "I have received invitations but I’m not fully scheduled."