Monday 7 March 2016

LIFE HACKS: Selfie tips from the stars

“It’s been a long time since I posted a selfie and do you know what I realised? Selfies get the most likes on Instagram,” declared A Selfie’s Tale star Audrey Goh just before an interview.

These days, social media is serious business. Once upon a time, people were content with sharing snippets of their lives – no matter how grainy (it was dark!), backlit (who cares about finding the best lighting anyway!) or unglam (this is candid!) it was. Those with huge followings often spend ages taking the right picture, editing it to perfection, then sending it to ten trusted friends to vet before finally debuting the picture on their platforms.

Exhausting, right? Well, while we can’t give you all the inspiration to take that arty farty mood shot you’ve always dreamed of, nor have we come up with the best 10-step programme for you to take the most awesome foodporn shots ever, we’ve put together the best tips and tricks from our local celebs for you to up your selfie game immediately.

You’re welcome.