Wednesday 30 March 2016

One Movie Changes Jacky Cheung’s Life

Jacky Cheung showed up at the symposium "Jacky Cheung in the Movies and Jacky Cheung’s Movies" to share his experience. He said the movie "Devoted to You" changed his entire life because he met his wife May Lo. He said smilingly, "I didn't know anything when filming my first movie. I thought I must take it serious and make myself really like the person. As it turned ou, my whole life is changed. So now I dare not to let anything happen even if I play 10000 movies. When the movie is completed, everything is over. But I didn’t know then and the feeling haunted me for a long time." Jacky said his life again had changed a lot since his daughter was born, and he had appeared in less movies, "I’m over 50 and I want to truly experience every stage of my life."